Friday, March 22, 2013


Hi all,

It has been an exhausting few days. I theoretically have time to explore London tomorrow (until 11:30 am, when we're back in the British Museum--this evening after 10 and tomorrow morning are our first and last break from work for this part of the trip), but I'll probably just get up early and try to get ahead on my reading for the rest of our time in London. I think I averaged 4-5 hours of sleep over the last few days, since I didn't sleep much on the plane or the night before I left. We've had 3 quizzes, 5 assignments and 130 pages of reading due so far. Why the hell am I doing this? Well...

Walking into the British Museum 

Admiring the "Royal Standard of Ur" (it wasn't really a standard, but it's cool)

Listening to a lecture on looking at art by Professor Christesen 

 Cutting into a treacled sponge (it's delicious!)

The central group of the Ionic frieze of the Parthenon, which Cam and I got to analyze today

So, highs and lows. I'll try to put up another update before we leave for Greece!

Telephone boxes outside the hostel. Must be London.

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